05 September 2010
A Long-Expected Blog Post
My internship is over and school has begun. This summer was difficult in so many ways. It was tough, and I have decided that hospital chaplaincy is not what I want to do for the rest of my life. As an introvert it was especially trying. Chaplaincy is so emotionally draining in nature and with my personality added into the mix, it was exhausting. By the end of the summer I left work every day feeling like I was on people overload. All I wanted to do was sequester myself in my room and escape from people. That being said, I learned so much and grew immensely this summer. As difficult as it was, I know that this was a summer well-spent. Today I am a much more confident person. Someone even mentioned this to me the other day after I read scripture in Bible chapel.
I am now two weeks into the first semester of my senior year. I think it will be a good semester and I am looking forward to most of my classes. I am contemplating finishing up the requirements for the Honors Program (look Mom, I spelled honor with a 'u'). Completing this is a daunting task, but I don't think it's one that I'm incapable of.
18 July 2010
The Joel Osteen Experience
My first impressions made it hard to take the church seriously. There are rock formations with waterfalls on either side of the stage and the stage rises to bring the band to the center. Fog machines enhance the effects of the lighting and the people in the large choir were colour-coordinated. The opening song proclaimed "Thanks be to God, who always causes us to win." These are not words that I feel comfortable singing.
After this morning, I have very mixed feelings. These people, and there are thousands of them, truly believe in what they are saying. I think that many of them have more faith than in God I do, though I would argue that the God they have faith in is not exactly the God of Scripture. Joel Osteen has experienced miracles and witnessed signs that I never have. Is this because he has more faith? Or is it because he is more attentive to God's movement, always looking for it? Or is it simply because he is more gullible?
My automatic reaction to charismatics is skepticism. I think a better response would be a desire to learn more. What is the truth in it? Are there things that I could learn and grow from? Because the answer is probably yes.
14 July 2010
Past Two Weeks in Review
We've had a ton of rain here lately. In the past thirty days, Houston has seen almost 14 inches. We had two different days with six inches of rain in one day. I thought the drainage system in Abilene was bad, but it has nothing on Houston. The roads get absolutely horrible when it rains. It's not very pleasant to drive in. I was probably one of about three people in Houston hoping the hurricane would hit us instead of somewhere else, as I've never gone through a hurricane before. But alas, we just had to put up with half a foot of rain.
I went to my aunt and uncle's for the 4th. I had a lot of fun playing with my cousins and chatting with family. I'm thankful that I have them here and they are willing to open up their home for me. We watched fireworks on TV, which was new for me. The Macy's and Boston Pop's shows were both fairly fantastic. The fireworks music medley was interesting, however - Black Eyed Peas juxtaposed with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The finale was set to music from Spirit, which really made everything worth it.
One of my fellow interns made sopapilla cheesecake the other day. She got the recipe from someone else and the proportions may have been a little bit off. In fact, the cream cheese and the sugar proportions were switched. Instead of putting in 2 packages of cream cheese and 1 cup of sugar, she put in 1 package of cream cheese and 2 1/2 cups of sugar! Instead of 1/2 a cup of butter, she put in 1 1/2 cups of butter. I have never had a dessert so sweet or rich in my life.
This past weekend we had some fun adventures, going to Galveston and to the Houston Zoo. I was proud of myself for driving us to Galveston and back. I even did it without looking at directions every five minutes. I wish we could have spent more time out at the beach, but it was also a very hot day. I was also recovering from several days of being sick. On Sunday, Karen and I went to the zoo for her birthday. It was fun, but extremely hot. This, of course, also meant that most of the animals were just laying around trying to get cool.
Very soon I'll post something that's more reflection and less description of activities. Get ready!
01 July 2010
Edward Cullen as a Christ Figure?
Today I was flipping through a magazine* when I came across this advertisement:
I feel I should begin by saying that I have not read this book and therefore any conjectures of mine are independent from this work. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for books about God. I think it's great to look for God amidst popular culture. I support finding themes and representations of Biblical images in all areas of life. I even approve of reading books like Twilight and drawing whatever moral conclusions are possible from it's pages (though I would argue that a book like Twilight is best used for it's entertainment value). All of that being said, I'm not sure I can support the comparison of Edward to Christ.
Okay, so they both will live forever and both love unconditionally - though Edward only loves one person in this way. And I suppose Edward sacrificed himself for Bella, though once again he's only thinking of one single person. In other words, Edward is selfish. This is probably what gets me the most. He's also a blood-thirsty vampire who has to constantly overcome his nature (i.e. his desire to eat people) in order to even associate with humans. I feel like Edward's abandonment of Bella is also very problematic if he is a Christ figure. I will close out this post by pointing out Bellas extremely unhealthy attachment to and dependency on Edward.
*Christian Century, May 4, 2010
30 June 2010
Jesus Loves the Little Children
Each girl in my cabin had a stick to represent her wish. The precious six-year-old with me was trying to decide what to wish for.
This little girl turned to me and said, "I wish that God would come down here to be with us."
Such a beautiful wish from such a beautiful child! After we threw our sticks into the fire she turned to me again, asking what the glowing things around the fire were. I explained that they were sparks and that the fire made them.
"Oh," she responded. "So the sparks are our wishes and they're flying up to God." It wasn't a question, but a statement.
"Yes. I think that's exactly what they are."
Children's minds are so imaginative, so perceptive and so beautiful.
27 June 2010
A Nice Day for a Swim
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26 June 2010
You Know You're Tired When... [Part 2]
This is the second installment of what is apparently becoming a new series. It was late one night - well, in reality it was only 10:20, but it sure felt late - and all of the girls were in bed. Karen and I were just chatting when a thought crossed my mind: I think I can crawl into my laundry bag. I proceeded to it and Karen followed suit. Once I had maneuvered my entire body into the bag, I realized just exactly what I was doing.
We got back today from Camp Star Trails. The week was fantastic, but also completely and utterly exhausting. We go, go, go all day. I had a cabin of nine 6-year-old girls. They were incredibly sweet and an incredible handful. It also meant that after long days full of activities, us counselors had long nights. Most nights we weren't able to sleep through the night because of kids sleepwalking, moaning, crying, falling out of bed, needing to change pull-ups, etc.
Our long actually began as soon as we left Houston, as it took us almost four hours to drive from Houston to the camp. This trip only took us an hour and a half coming back. I wish I could say that traffic slowed us down, but alas, it was missing our exits. Did you catch the plural there? We missed multiple exits. The first time we actually drove an hour past our exit. It was a long drive, though it thankfully included a pit-stop at Sonic.
I will post again soon with some of the highlights of camp.
19 June 2010
Camp Star Trails
It’s been a long, hot week. The air conditioning went out and so, after spending one night in 90 degree heat and the next night curled up on couches and on the floor, we a couple of nights at the Rebman’s home. It was a welcome relief from the extreme heat outside and, unfortunately, inside.
I have been continuously struck by the generosity of all of the people who I come in contact with. It seems everyone is always looking out for ways to serve us (us being the interns). I am surrounded by people who are truly modeling the way of Christ and living their lives in service. I am so blessed to be able to witness this hospitality and to be a recipient.
We had yesterday off, and today we’ll head to camp for the week. I’m looking forward to spending time with kids again. I've never been a camp counselor before, though, so I'm sure it will be an experience. Camp Star Trails is run through MD Anderson and is a camp for children with cancer and their siblings.
10 June 2010
Not too Far from Here
08 June 2010
You Know You're Tired When...
You know you’re tired when the doctors at the elevators notice and try to diagnose you.
Apparently I just looked really tired today, because I had a doctor approach me asking me if I was really tired. I told him yes, and he said my eyelids were drooping. He proceeded to ask me questions about how long I had felt that way, if it was a regular occurrence, etc. Unfortunately he had to get out of the elevator before he could fully diagnose me. I think in this case I can diagnose myself, however: not enough sleep and not enough coffee.
I only had three patients on my list today, so it was a short day visiting. I got a lot of reading done and a verbatim written. It's nice to be productive anyway.
I also discovered, along with several other of the hospital staff, that some of the elevators in St. Luke's are "child-proof". At least that's what someone said. Only four of the buttons can be pressed at one time. When that fifth button is pressed, all of them are canceled. We worked out a system by pressing the lower floor numbers first, and only pressing the higher numbers once some people had stepped off. It seems the elevators may be adult-proof too.
07 June 2010
A Quiet Day with the Pagers
06 June 2010
Whether it Rains
Whether it rains, whether it poursWherever I go, I will trust you LordIn the light of day, in the dark of nightI will trust you Lord, with all of my lifeFor my hope is where you are
04 June 2010
Houston Driving Tips
03 June 2010
Miscommunication Humour
I went in to visit a patient this week who wasn't feeling well at all. She was somewhat incoherent and had a difficult time understanding me, even though I talked slowly and loudly. After she told me of her woes, I asked if she would like me to pray. When I said this she froze.
"What did you say?" she asked, with an air of incredulity. I repeated myself, as clearly as possible.
"Oh. Yes, please." She responded. She paused a moment and then let me know, "I thought you said you were gay."
At this, her husband burst out laughing and continued chuckling through the rest of our visit. At least I made someone's day just a little brighter.
26 May 2010
A Little Disappointment
25 May 2010
Striking Out on My Own
24 May 2010
Week One
23 May 2010
"See you in another life, brotha."
18 May 2010
Instrument of Peace
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.Where there is hatred, let me sow love;where there is injury, pardon;where there is doubt, faith;where there is despair, hope;where there is darkness, light;and where there is sadness, joy.O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seekto be consoled as to console;to be understood as to understand;to be loved as to love.For it is in giving that we receive;it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.Amen.
17 May 2010
A Short Respite
15 May 2010
I Made It
13 May 2010
01 May 2010
Anticipating the 2010 Kentucky Derby
26 April 2010
This is Where I Belong

I hear the wind across the plainA sound so strong - that calls my nameIt's wild like the river - it's warm like the sunYa it's here - this is where I belongUnder the starry skies - where eagles have flownThis place is paradise - it's the place I call homeThe moon on the mountainsThe whisper through the treesThe waves on the waterLet nothing come between this and meCause everything I want - is everything that's hereAnd when we're all together - there's nothing to fearAnd wherever I wander - the one thing I've learnedIt's to here - I will always ... always return