13 May 2010


Until today, the biggest city I'd ever driven in was Abilene. Today, however, I successfully navigated my way through Houston. Woohoo! Is it bad that I'm proud of myself for driving through Houston? Because I am. My awesome mom drove down with me, so I must admit that I did have help navigating. Tomorrow I'll drive all around Houston by myself, so we'll see how that goes. We ate dinner at T-Bone Tom's, a fun little steakhouse. It was featured on Food Network's Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. The "armadillo eggs" were particularly tasty!

I'll be interning here in Houston for the next three months. My internship is with Lifeline Chaplaincy and I begin tomorrow. While I am still somewhat unclear on what this summer will look like, I do know that I will be in classes in the morning and doing visitations in the afternoons.

This weekend begins a crazy 17-hour intensive workshop. I think it will be really good and very helpful. However, I also think they call it "intensive" for a reason. I'm looking forward to getting to know my host family and the other interns. To be honest, I'm completely terrified about this summer. It's no secret that I'm a homebody who doesn't really like change and prefers small towns. This will be an adventure, and I suppose I'm not exactly unfamiliar with those. I know that I will grow so much and I am excited to see how I am transformed these next few months.