In Corinth
Wednesday took JoAnna, Mary and me to Corinth. We weren't sure how complicated it was going to be to get there, because everyone kept telling us not to go to Corinth. Waiting for the bus I had a tasty pretzel that the street vendors sell all over Athens. A very sweet lady helped us out by telling us how to buy our tickets and exactly where our stop would be. After a couple of complications we made it out and walked down and old, deserted-looking road. And then we stepped into Ancient Corinth, to be met with the sight of an archaeological team hard at work. That in itself was really neat and we watched them with their shovel and pick-axes, uncovering ancient secrets. We spent most of our time taking pictures and gazing at the wonderful architecture. The city was larger than I had expected and quite a few portions had been unearthed so that it actually felt like a city and not just random ruins. The sun shone down brightly on the dusty land and shade was scarce. Crazy to think it was the end of November and the temperature was around eighty degrees.
Of course the coolest part is the fact that Paul lived in Corinth for a few years and wrote letters to the Christian there. We read from Acts, where Paul travels from Athens to Corinth, which is exactly what we did. We then read passages from 1 and 2 Corinthians. It was a powerful thing, to read it there. I could imagine myself as a Corinthian in the first century.
Reading Corinthians
Back in Athens we were followed to our hostel by a couple of dogs. They are everywhere in Greece, even amongst the ruins. These dogs are hilarious, because they stop right at the crosswalks with all of the people and cross when the green man shows up. I think they should put a green dog up there as well so as not to discriminate. Once we got back we went shopping again and then met up with Josh and Erin. We ate dinner at the Hard Rock Café, getting our hamburger fix.
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