I think everyone would choose the Blessing Line as their best experience on Trek. I certainly would. It was a special time, and very moving. We all stood in two lines, across from each other. One by one, each person would walk down the line with their eyes closed and receive a blessing from everyone while we sang. But it wasn’t without humour. Tyler was tall, considerably taller than me. In fact, he was the tallest person there and I was the shortest. I grabbed his hand and thought of all I could say about this amazing young man. But I couldn’t reach his ear to whisper the blessing to him. I grabbed his shoulder and tried to push myself up several time, but to no avail. I just wasn’t tall enough. Finally, Tyler realized who was blessing him and squatted down so that I could talk. Afterward, he told me that if he had realized who it was, he would have just bent over to begin with.

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