I began the year by finishing up my second semester of college. I met some amazing people with whom I goofed off, studied and honoured God. I traveled away with a friend to meet her family and just have fun for a weekend. My family was a part of a mission team and we spent every Sunday raising funds for our trip. Perhaps the most life-changing time, however, began in the summer.
Every year my family discusses options for our summer vacation. Every single time I suggest that we travel to Alaska or Greece. I have wanted to visit these two places for years. 2008 stands out as the year that I made it to both of those wonderful places. A summer mission trip took me to Kenai, Alaska and a Study Abroad travel break saw me visiting Greece. I cried tears of joy as the plane touched down in Anchorage. Tears once again slid down my cheeks when we landed in Athens.
From Texas to Alaska and from England to Ireland, Spain, Switzerland and Greece, my journeys took me around the globe. My experiences were much more than just "dreams come true". I have new ideas about the direction in which my life may be heading. I am more confident in myself and thus a more outgoing person. I believe that I am more fully living out the message of the gospel. I grew and I think that I'm a better person than I was 8,766 hours ago. In a lot of ways I don't really want this year to end. I enjoyed it so much that I would like it to just keep on going. Of course, that's not going to happen so I can only hope that the next thousands of hours will be as formative and wonderful as each of those in 2008.

Wow, you actually calculated how many hours there are in a year?
I'm glad you got to go to both Alaska and Greece... and that I met you this past year!!!!! Here's to another great semester. :)
I'm happy to have made it into one of your pictures. And also glad that I got to go with you to Greece.
I'll be seeing you soon!
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