Every time that I get onto facebook (incidentally a far too common occurrence) I see people preparing to study abroad this semester. To be honest, this is hard for me. I desperately want to go back to Oxford. Already I miss walking through town in a light drizzle or stopping off in University Parks and lounging on the green lawns. I miss running over to On the Hoof for a hot panini. I miss strolling down cobblestone streets.
This semester is going to feel so strange. It’s difficult to adjust to the differences. I spent last semester going to class in the same house that I was living in. Every single class had the same people in it, and these were the people with whom I was living and traveling and cooking.
I’m still adjusting to the different pace of life over here. I keep asking for tap water in restaurants. It’s only when I’m given a funny look that I remember it’s ice water over here. I forget that shops are open way past five. I feel like I should walk to church.
As cheesy at it sounds, this is a time of new beginnings. I have been away from campus for eight months. It stands to reason that things are different. I am different.
I’ve started a new job in the library, working in Interlibrary Loans. So far I have enjoyed it, but I’ve only been into work twice.
This is also a time for me to explore my options for the future. Right now I have no idea what I will be doing after graduation. In all likelihood I will change my major, though to what I do not yet know.
My doggy is so happy to see me :D
Gladwyn and me
I feel like I should walk to church too!!!!!!!!!!!
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