15 May 2010

I Made It

I'm sure everyone is wondering, so I'll let you know that I made it. Yes, I made it through Houston in one piece. Once again, I feel accomplished because of this small feat. I also feel a little better because I was not the only intern who was completely terrified while driving across one million lanes of traffic.

Just as I had been told, the Frombergs are a sweet and awesome couple. The other two girl interns are staying at their house along with me. I'm looking forward to developing a relationship with them and their granddaughter, who is living here this summer.

Our workshop, Creating a Healing Community, began last night and and will stretch on from 9 to 9 today. Hmmm, that reminds me of a little shop in Oxford. At least all of our meals today are provided, which is pretty fantastic.

The rain, which started coming down not long after six yesterday, has let up. It seems this respite will be short-lived as another band of storms is closing in. On the bright side, the rain seems to cut through the humidity. Only as long as it is actually raining, though. After that it seems to be even worse.


mom said...

You did make it! You drove into and through Houston just fine. I'm proud that you face your fears and have not let that keep you from growing. God will surely use you this summer as he has for nearly 21 years.