08 June 2010

You Know You're Tired When...

You know you’re tired when the doctors at the elevators notice and try to diagnose you.

Apparently I just looked really tired today, because I had a doctor approach me asking me if I was really tired. I told him yes, and he said my eyelids were drooping. He proceeded to ask me questions about how long I had felt that way, if it was a regular occurrence, etc. Unfortunately he had to get out of the elevator before he could fully diagnose me. I think in this case I can diagnose myself, however: not enough sleep and not enough coffee.

I only had three patients on my list today, so it was a short day visiting. I got a lot of reading done and a verbatim written. It's nice to be productive anyway.

I also discovered, along with several other of the hospital staff, that some of the elevators in St. Luke's are "child-proof". At least that's what someone said. Only four of the buttons can be pressed at one time. When that fifth button is pressed, all of them are canceled. We worked out a system by pressing the lower floor numbers first, and only pressing the higher numbers once some people had stepped off. It seems the elevators may be adult-proof too.