30 June 2010

Jesus Loves the Little Children

The last night at Camp Star Trails is the the closing ceremony. Everyone gathers around a campfire and sings a little. Each child makes a wish and each cabin creates an object to represent these wishes and to throw into the fire. Of course, many people's wishes were for a brother or sister's cancer to go away or for cancer to disappear from the world. As each object is put into the fire, a candle is lit. These candles are put onto a star, which then floats down the lake. The campfire concludes with a fireworks show and popsicles.

Each girl in my cabin had a stick to represent her wish. The precious six-year-old with me was trying to decide what to wish for.

This little girl turned to me and said, "I wish that God would come down here to be with us."

Such a beautiful wish from such a beautiful child! After we threw our sticks into the fire she turned to me again, asking what the glowing things around the fire were. I explained that they were sparks and that the fire made them.

"Oh," she responded. "So the sparks are our wishes and they're flying up to God." It wasn't a question, but a statement.

"Yes. I think that's exactly what they are."

Children's minds are so imaginative, so perceptive and so beautiful.


JoAnna said...

oh my gosh! I just love kids! It's hard to believe that we were once that untarnished and genuine. Thank God for the blood of Jesus...