04 June 2010

Houston Driving Tips

So, as it turns out I have the only car that can easily/ safely/ affordably carry all four interns. As such, I am essentially the designated driver. Having driven around Houston for three weeks, I have compiled a handy little list of tips for driving in Houston.

1. Don't.

2. Avoid 610 at rush hour. If possible, avoid driving altogether during rush hour.

3. People in Houston don't seem to like using turn signals. They change lanes at will and you may never know if someone is about to merge into your lane or when they will do it.

4. Houston streets change name frequently at random intervals.

5. No matter how slowly the traffic on the interstate is moving, it is probably still your best option. Choosing to stay on the feeder road will likely mean you run into construction and closed roads. You may even end up lost.

6. Many streets downtown are one-way. However, not all will be clearly labeled "one-way." Therefore, if all of the cars parked on the street are facing one direction, it is recommended that you only drive in said direction.

7. Be aware of the many curbs in Houston. I've checked them for you, so I can assure you that they are indeed here and in good working order.

8. If you drive the carpool car, you can park it wherever you want. This is especially handy when it's pouring outside and you park in the garage connected to your own building. Everyone else will get to enjoy walking in the rain while you sit in a cozy, dry lobby.

9. Expect driving time to increase exponentially the closer to rush hour that you are driving.

10. If you rely on other people as navigators, you can always blame them when you get lost. Of course, it helps if one of them magically has a map of the Houston road system in his head.

11. Roundabouts are particularly delightful if you drive around them more than once, preferably three or four times. Hopefully after that you will have figured out which street is which and which one you want.

So the next time you're driving in Houston, you can learn from my experiences and refer to my tips.


JoAnna said...

This made me laugh! Oh man, I miss you. I especially liked #7. :)