We had a worship time in Girona while our group was in Spain. We talked about being a better community and loving each other more fully. Our main scripture was 1 Corinthians 13. At the end of the service we split into groups and confessed something that we don’t do a good job with. As I’m reflecting on this a bit I realize:
I am not patient, I am not kind. I do envy, I do boast, I am proud. I am rude, I am self-seeking, I am easily angered, I do keep record of wrongs. Sometimes I don’t rejoice with the truth. I don’t always protect, always hope, always persevere. Often, I fail.Another verse that has been running through my head is John 13:35, “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” People will know we are Christians by our love. Ultimately, Christ’s presence within me will be evidenced by my love. In Corinthians, Paul defines love for us. I’ve examined myself and been found wanting. It’s apparent that I need to work on loving others. For if I don’t love, not much else matters. I realize that I am not a terrible person. Even so, I fall short of the glory of God. Love is redeeming, and I’m not really all that loving of a person. There's a song that I sing sometimes, "Hate is a strong word, but I really, really, really don't like you." I find the lyrics amusing, but it's true, isn't it? I don't hate but sometimes I really dislike, which means I'm not loving.
Though I need to work on so much in regards to loving others, I have recently recognized one area in which I am particularly weak. I am not a very patient person. I don’t like to wait on people and I get excessively anxious. I like to be doing something and I therefore get nervous when I’m just standing around. And so my prayer this morning, in this time of waiting, is a plea for greater patience and a fuller love.
Rebekah, I'm surprised at how honest you are, but I thank you for it. The good thing about not being able to perfectly love on our own is that we have each other to encourage when we're having a hard time. And God is patient, even in your impatience! I pray that His patience will begin to reign in your every thought and action. I love you, sister! I am so blessed by you.
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