22 October 2008

A Quick Prayer

Christian worship is probably my favourite class that I am taking right now. One of our assignments for this class is to spend forty-five minutes in prayer every week. We read a chapter from Richard Foster's "Prayer". This week I prayed the prayer of adoration and part of my prayer journal came out as a poem of sorts.

Drizzling rain streaks across the windows
Cutting a silent path down the foggy panes
My heavy eyes mirror this action
And dark settles all around me
It’s hard to praise, hard to thank
The world is drear and dismal
So I close my eyes
And ask God why
Why must the sun leave the sky?

Each night the world is plunged
Into darkness as shadows rule the land
Even so I am called into thankfulness
For the night purifies and cleanses
Refreshing me for coming days
And as I send my praises upward
I am lulled to sleep by a soft drumbeat
The quiet patter of rain

Morning breaks and with the new day
Comes light and bright and beauty
I lift my head and softly tread the stairs
Pulling open the front door
And stepping into a bright, chilled world
Leaves crunch underfoot
Filling the air with the sounds of fall
Red, orange, yellow and pink drift crisply to the ground
Covering the glistening sidewalk with a fiery carpet

My thoughts and gaze are drawn heavenward
The hues of God’s glory demand my thanks
This morning I lift my hands upwards
Reaching for God and feeling Him here
In the leaves, in the dew, in the mist that swirls before me

I must cannot help but praise the living LORD

Because He creates
Because He loves

Because He is
The Cross is everywhere