Winding down the narrow cobble-stone streets of Girona. Relaxing in the sunny blue of the Barcelona beaches. Gazing up towards the forbidding stone Alhambra. Driving through miles and miles of olive groves. Attending mass in the cathedral of Avila.
Spain has been a wonderful and fascinating experience. Nevertheless I'm so happy to be back in Oxford. It feels like home once again and two weeks is a long time to live out of a suitcase. We had some awesome experiences along with some slightly unpleasant ones. And so, as a taster of Spain, I present the top ten best and worst experiences of Spain.
1) Fireworks on Avila's old city walls
2) The "melting" towers of the Sagrada Familia
3) Gelato (the best was in Girona)
4) Our "hotel" in Avila (the residencia of a Dominican monastery)
5) Lookout point in Granada's moorish district that provided a postcard view of the Alhambra)
6) Sunset over the Pyrenees
7) Free meals in Avila (delicious beef and potatoes)
8) Paintings from history books in the Prado and Reine Sofia (Guernica and the 3rd of May)
9) Relaxing in the shade in the old fort of Girona's city walls
10) Finding Joel's Christmas present and getting it back to Oxford
1) Pickpockets in Barcelona (don't worry, I still have all of my stuff)
2) Clouds of cigarette smoke, which envelope entire cities
3) Creepy Spanish guys next door to our hotel room
4) Trying to speak Spanish (I didn't underestimate my Spanish proficiency - truly non-existent)
5) Horrible allergic reaction in Granada (my eyes swelled shut)
6) €4.70 coke bottles across from the Sagrada Familia
7) Watching six bulls die (fascinating experience, but I think I'm done with bullfights)
8) The key situation (one key to five people can be tough)
9) A turbulent plane ride with a terrifying landing
10) The entirely too long bus-ride lecture on our way to Avila
I'll have more on Spain soon, but right now I'm exhausted. It's time for me to slip under my covers and drift off to sleep.

Barcelona beach