19 June 2010

Camp Star Trails

It’s been a long, hot week. The air conditioning went out and so, after spending one night in 90 degree heat and the next night curled up on couches and on the floor, we a couple of nights at the Rebman’s home. It was a welcome relief from the extreme heat outside and, unfortunately, inside.

I have been continuously struck by the generosity of all of the people who I come in contact with. It seems everyone is always looking out for ways to serve us (us being the interns). I am surrounded by people who are truly modeling the way of Christ and living their lives in service. I am so blessed to be able to witness this hospitality and to be a recipient.

We had yesterday off, and today we’ll head to camp for the week. I’m looking forward to spending time with kids again. I've never been a camp counselor before, though, so I'm sure it will be an experience. Camp Star Trails is run through MD Anderson and is a camp for children with cancer and their siblings.