17 April 2011

Prayer of Uncertainty

Along with a couple of other people, I was in charge of the worship time for the Bible department's Senior Blessing. Our worship time had three movement: thanksgiving, uncertainty and faith. We are thankful for the past four years, and for the things that God has done in us and with us. But we are uncertain about the next phase in our lives. Nevertheless, our faith is strong and our trust is in God. 

I wrote the prayer of uncertainty. I don't know what I'm doing after I graduate in May. I don't know where I'll go, or what kind of work I'll do. And I'm just a little bit worried about it.

Father God we come before you with the winds of change,
As we ready ourselves to begin a new chapter in our lives.
The path that lies ahead is not always clear;
We confess that we are uncertain and confused.
We seek direction, but our words seem to echo in an empty room.
Only silence follows, where we would hear your voice.
We wait for your answer, but hear none;
We confess that we are frustrated and discouraged.
Today feels frantic and tomorrow feels uncertain,
Filled with anxiety, stress and apprehension.
The joys of today pass us by as we worry about tomorrow;
We confess that we want to be in control
We see how you have worked in the past
And we acknowledge your hand in our lives.
You have led us out from Egypt and parted the sea before us.
But we confess that we too grumble, as the Israelites did.
And so we ask that you surround us this day,
Surround us with your love and presence.
Bless us with your peace and rest and strength.
Guide us through the days that lie before us.
Guide us by your hand;
Guide us in your love;
Guide us for your glory.