13 February 2011

Questions for God

One of my class assignments was to go to a public place off-campus and ask people a question. If you could ask God any question, what would it be?

After much agonizing, Anna and I finally worked up the courage to head over to Wal-Mart and talk to people. We walked the aisles, holding tightly to each other’s hands, and picked out people to approach. We had a fairly good response from most people, though a few were not as happy to talk to us. A couple of people had no answer and were not willing to think about one. Two people standing in the pharmacy line immediately turned away from us as we began talking, shaking their heads, unwilling to even listen. We both had a hard time with that response but shook the dust off our feet and moved on.

Thankfully most of the sweet little grandmothers that we found ourselves talking to were much more willing to open up. Some were ready with their answers, but most had to ponder it for a while. Some asked questions out of pure curiosity and others gave very personal and heartfelt replies. We found it interesting that while most people asked questions, a few were requesting some action of God.

Why did he create ants?
Can you make everyone well that is sad?
When is he coming back?
How can he love me so much that he would save me?
Did John die?
Is my son dancing on streets of gold?
Why isn’t he down here helping us right now?
(She works to help agnostics believe through Facebook).
Why was my son killed by a drunk driver?
Why does harm come to little children?
Can’t you make the world better?
What’s heaven like?
Nothing pops into my head
Estimated time of his return
I love Jesus. And I’m so thankful he died on the cross. I’m getting baptized next Sunday.
Tell him how thankful I am that he died on the cross for me.
Two people turned away as we talked to them, shaking their heads.
Will we know people in heaven?
How are things named? Like lipstick.
Why all the war?
Why does he let people have kids who don’t make good parents?
Make sure my children are safe and happy. And I ask him for that every night.