I just finished watching the season finale of Lost. And oh my, I’m ready for the next season. I can’t believe we have to wait until 2010 for the next episode. It’s a crazy show and I’m anxious to see how everything will come together. This last season did answer a lot of questions, which was good, but it also managed to raise even more.
It’s been an interesting semester. A lot happened and once again, I grew a lot. I managed to shoot my 4.0, which of course I can never get back. Thankfully this does take a lot of pressure off in the next two years. I also successfully (or at least somewhat successfully) completed the Greek requirement for my degree. We’ll just have to wait and see if I go on to Hebrew or not.
I was told early in the year that perhaps 2008 was my year. That was a bit disconcerting, since I still had something like 11 months left to go in this year. However, now that 2009 is halfway over, I realize that this is a pretty amazing year as well. In June I’ll be going to a camp with one of my amazing Huddle leaders and working with the preschoolers. I’m extremely excited for this opportunity and am so glad that it was offered to me.
Additionally, as a result of a very generous friend, I’m about to make a trip to Europe. Now, this was something that was not even on my radar screen until a few weeks ago. However my best friend invited me to accompany her to Paris in just a short while. We’ll spend several days in France as a well as few days in England.
My only regret? I'll miss the Preakness Stakes this Saturday. I normally back the winner of the Kentucky Derby, always hoping for a Triple Crown winner. However, this time I'm rooting for Rachel Alexandra, a talented filly who didn't run in the Derby. So go get 'em, girl!
My next big adventure is just around the corner, and it’s been a good distraction from the end of the semester. While I’m overjoyed that classes are over, I already miss all of my friends. Three months is a long time to be apart. I've grown really close to some amazing people and I'm excited to see what next year will hold for all of us.
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