27 April 2008

Hallowed be Thy Name

Brother Lawrence, a brother in a Carmelite monastery, authored The Practice of the Presence of God. Lawrence worked in the monastery kitchen where he turned even the peeling of potatoes into an act of worship.

I've been thinking a lot lately about the role God plays in my life. I have always had a difficult time envisioning how every little thing in my life can be for the glory of God. How do I worship Him through cooking and cleaning and studying? I'm still working on this.

At the beautiful Coventry Cathedral, prayer panels detailing a life lived for God are posted around the premises. It is the Lord's Prayer applied to all aspect of life. These panels form a sort of prayer and declaration of the way that I want to live out my life.

Hallowed be Thy Name in SUFFERING
God be in my pain and in my enduring

Hallowed be Thy Name in THE ARTS
God be in my senses and my creating

Hallowed be Thy Name in EDUCATION
God be in my mind and in my growing

Hallowed be Thy Name in COMMERCE
God be at my desk and in my trading
Hallowed be Thy Name in GOVERNMENT
God be in my plans and in my deciding

Hallowed by They Name in THE HOME
God be in my heart and in my loving

Hallowed by Thy Name in RECREATION
God be in my limbs and in my leisure

Hallowed be Thy Name in INDUSTRY
God be in my hands and in my working