08 July 2009

04:05:06 07/08/09

When I started writing this post it was six seconds after 4:05 on July 8th, 2009. So that is the meaning of my slightly cryptic post title. Anyway, it only happens once every century or something, so it won't happen again anytime soon.

Summer is going well, though of course it is hot, hot, hot. Most days the high is around one hundred, give or take a couple of degrees. Tomorrow it's supposed to get to 105, so that will fun.

We spent the Fourth in Louisiana with my mom's parents. We celebrated their eightieth birthdays and hung out with family. I even set off a couple of fireworks. This is something of an accomplishment for me as I tend to be a little afraid of fire. You should be proud of me for overcoming my fear, even if it is a bit irrational. At least I'm not afraid of ladybugs like someone I know.